Books are man’s best friend. A good book coupled with a great coffee can make you feel better in just the blink of an eye! But are books merely a hobby? Well, no! Books are a brilliant source of teachings that will help you throughout your lifespan, especially when the author is the legendary  Ruskin Bond. Are you skeptical about it? Then, please read the list below to get an in-depth understanding of the priceless lessons we get from books. 

Profound Life Lessons By Ruskin Bond

Be Passionate

Keep a fire of passion alive in you if you want to achieve your goals. Be passionate about them and stop at nothing to fulfill your dreams! Ruskin Bond says that success is the reward of passion. So, be passionate about your goals!

Don’t Make Excuses

If you are troubled because of any difficult situation, it can be physical, mental, etc. Don’t make an excuse out of it. Instead, use those problematic situations to enhance your creativity and use that pain to express yourself more!

Don’t Suppress Your Imagination

If your vision is creative enough to make you believe that it’s not real, you are bound to succeed. Ruskin Bond says, “Dragons and Fairies exist if you want them to.” Don’t think about what the world would think. Get yourself some space and let your imagination fly high!

Say No to Pride – Ruskin Bond

The legendary Ruskin Bond advises you to stay down to earth no matter the heights of success you have achieved. Arrogance stops the growth of a person. Hence, a person needs to remain grounded for growth in the future. 

Don’t Stop

Failures are a part of life. If you happen to be unsuccessful in any task you have done, don’t get disheartened and lose your zeal. Instead, try again with more effort and enthusiasm to see yourself pass with flying colors. 

These are some inclusive and priceless lessons from the well-known author. His books have always been a carrier of life preaching. Ruskin Bond’s stories and books make a personal relationship with the reader. It is primarily why his books are loved worldwide by children, adults, and the elderly.  

If you want to know more about preachings from the great author, please consider reading this latest interview of him – Ruskin Bond

More Resources:

What are some of your favourite Ruskin Bond books? If you haven’t yet, do consider exploring some of his best works, as listed by Forbes India.

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