Do we really have control over our thoughts process?
Or control over the ability to perceive things?
How do we actually learn something?

We have understood learning as based on our observations and analysis, right?

Not completely, according to one of the foremost neuro scientist of our times, Mr Beau Lotto. He believes that we essentially operate within the boundaries set by our knowledge, culture and beliefs, which limit our intellectual development. It is therefore, important to break these barriers and train your mind to think beyond the boundaries set by your brain.

Watch this fascinating video entitled – Science is for everyone, kids included – where Mr. Lotto and his 12-year old protégé Amy O’ Toole describe the project which demonstrates the efficacy of this approach.

Credits: TedTalk
Image Credits: People photo created by master1305 –

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About the Speaker:

Beau Lotto, the World-renowned neuroscientist in his first major book ‘DEVIATE: The Creative Power of Transforming your Perception‘ shows how our brains play tricks on us.
With an innovative combination of case studies and optical- and perception-illusion exercises, DEVIATE will revolutionise the way you see the world.

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